Become a mentor

Share your knowledge, experience and network

Are you an experienced health or life sciences professional who is passionate about supporting gender diversity in the industry?

Would you like to share your knowledge, experience, and network with the brightest female founders in health and life sciences? 




Female Founders Web Mentors

What do our mentors do?

Mentors offer female founders an experienced sounding board, general business advice and access to a wider network or supportive and knowledgeable peers. To be a mentor you must have relevant experience and capacity to support the programme, at least five years of experience in an executive position within health and/or life sciences and be able to commit to a minimum of four 1:1 catch ups in the first 12 months.



How to become a mentor

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1 Complete a simple application form to match you with an appropriate mentee.

2 Once approved you will receive a Female Founders Mentor Pack containing a 12-month timeline, basic meeting templates and suggestions to get the most out of your mentor/ mentee relationship.

3 When an appropriate mentee signs up an introduction will be made by email.

4 Mentors and mentees arrange calls and catch-ups independently, using the suggested timeline and meeting templates in the Mentor Pack.


Why you should become a mentor?


Make a difference in
a mentee’s life

Join a network of
like-minded women

Develop key skills
such as listening,
questioning and
rapport building


Ready to start mentoring?