
Interviews and more from Female Founders


Christine König, CEO, SurgMark

Starting up in a world in crisis

Our member Christine König, CEO of SurgMark GmbH,  is sharing her story of starting a business in catastrophic outside circumstances.

2 minutes read 

Keren Leshem, CEO, OCON Healthcare

Her body – not her choice
Technology’s role in the face of government’s conservatism

Our member and CEO of OCON Healthcare, Keren Leshem, talks about woman's health and the FemTech industry

4 minutes read

Silla Jónsdóttir, CEO, RetinaRisk

Interview with Silla Jónsdóttir, CEO, RetinaRisk

An interview with Female Founders member Silla Jónsdóttir. RetinaRisk, diabetic eye care, personal journey, best advice and more.
2 minute read

Jing Zhang VP nticancer Bioscience

Interview with Jing Zhang, Vice President at Anticancer Bioscience

An interview with Female Founders member Jing ZhangIn about what inspired her to focus on cancer, what improvements in care would she like to see and what is her advice for others following in her footsteps?
minute read